The Common Grid Model (CGM) is defined as a Union-wide data set agreed between various Transmission System Operators (TSOs) describing the main characteristic of the power system (generation, loads and grid topology) and rules for changing these characteristics during the capacity calculation process (Article 2(2) of the Regulation establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management - the CACM Regulation (Regulation on market coupling)).




CGM in the European Union Internal Electricity Market is European-wide or multiple-System Operator-wide data set, created by the European Merging Function, through the merging of relevant data.


ACER Monitoring report of 30 January 2019 on the implementation of the CACM Regulation and the FCA Regulation mentions (p. 65) that TSOs interpret the “common” grid model and “common” set of scenarios at a regional level, hence, the Agency supports an improvement of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation (FCA Regulation) "where the requirement for a common European grid model, based on a common European set of scenarios, would be clearly stated”.


Pursuant to the CACM Regulation, a CGM should be established for each hour.


CGM is a prerequisite for any joint regional security evaluation and capacity calculation among several Transmission System Operators (TSOs).


The CGM is not only used for operational tasks but also for market and asset management/grid planning activities like: operational security calculations, capacity calculations, outage coordination.


The Common Grid Model for continental Europe was provided to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) by the TSOs for the first time in 2017 (ACER/CEER Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Gas Markets in 2016 (Electricity Wholesale Markets Volume, October 2017, p. 23).


According to the said Report, the Agency has been provided with four CGMs corresponding to an identical number of hours that were representative of the generation, load conditions and the network topology in the period from the summer of 2015 to the winter of 2016/2017.


These hours were: 15 July 2015 at 10:30, 20 January 2016 at 10:30, 20 July 2016 at 10:30, 18 January 2017 at 10:30, and were the winter and summer reference cases as often used by TSOs to calculate long-term capacity.



Common Grid Model Methodology



Three EU regulations:

- the CACM Regulation,

- Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA Regulation), 

- Network Code on System Operation (System Operation Guideline - SOGL), 

require TSOs to prepare the Common Grid Model Methodology (CGMM).


CGMM describes the legally binding rules for the preparation of Individual Grid Models (IGMs) and their merging into the CGM.


At the request of all National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), a separate version of the CGMM was prepared for each of the above three regulations and respective timeframes:

- CGMM-v1-plus - for the CACM Regulation (D-2 and D-1),

- CGMM-v2-plus - for the FCA Regulation (Y-1 and M-1) and

- CGMM-v3 - for the SOGL (Y-1, D-1 and intra-day time).


The suffix ‘plus’ added to the respective version of the CGMM denotes amended version, made at the request of NRAs.


The deadline for the formal approval decisions of CGMMs to be made on national level was 14 July 2018.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (recast) an important role in the creation of CGM is entrusted to Regional Coordination Centres - see box below..

Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity (recast), Annex I

Creation of common grid models

3.1 Regional coordination centres shall set up efficient processes for the creation of a common grid model for each operational planning timeframe between the year-ahead and intraday timeframes.

3.2 Transmission system operators shall appoint one regional coordination centre to build the Union-wide common grid models.

3.3 Common grid models shall be performed in accordance with the methodologies developed pursuant to the system operation guideline and the capacity allocation and congestion management guideline adopted on the basis of Article 18(5) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.

3.4 Common grid models shall include relevant data for efficient operational planning and capacity calculation in all operational planning timeframes between the year-ahead and intraday timeframes.

3.5 Common grid models shall be made available to all regional coordination centres, transmission system operators, ENTSO for Electricity and, upon request, to ACER.




Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation


Section 3
Common Grid Model


Article 17
Generation and load data provision methodology


1. No later than six months after the approval of the generation and load data provision methodology established for the day-ahead and intraday timeframes referred to in Article 9(6) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222, all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for a single generation and load data provision methodology for delivering the generation and load data required to establish the common grid model for long-term timeframes. The proposal shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 6. The methodology shall take into account and complement the generation and load data provision methodology according to Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222.


2. When developing the generation and load data provision methodology, the requirements set in Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 shall apply.


Article 18
Common grid model methodology


1. No later than six months after the approval of the common grid model methodology established for the day-ahead and intraday timeframes referred to in Article 9(6) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222, all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for a common grid model methodology for long-term timeframes. The methdology shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 6.


2. The common grid model methodology shall take into account and complement the common grid model methodology developed pursuant to Article 17 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222. The methodology shall enable the establishment of the common grid model for long-term capacity calculation timeframes in capacity calculation regions where security analysis based on multiple scenarios pursuant to Article 10 is applied.


3. When developing the common grid model methodology, the requirements set in Article 17 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 shall apply.


Article 19


1. All TSOs in capacity calculation regions, where security analysis based on multiple scenarios pursuant to Article 10 is applied, shall jointly develop a common set of scenarios to be used in the common grid model for each long-term capacity calculation timeframe.


2. When developing the common set of scenarios, the relevant requirements set in Article 18 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 shall apply.


Article 20
Individual grid model


When developing the individual grid model for a long-term capacity calculation timeframe in capacity calculation regions, where security analysis based on multiple scenarios pursuant to Article 10 is applied, each TSO shall apply the requirements set in Article 19 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222.





Regulation establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management - CACM (Regulation on market coupling)


Article 16(3)

The proposal for a generation and load data provision methodology shall specify the information to be provided by generation units and loads to TSOs. The information shall at least include the following:

(a) information related to their technical characteristics;

(b) information related to the availability of generation units and loads;

(c) information related to the schedules of generation units;

(d) relevant available information relating to how generation units will be dispatched.


Article 16(4)

The methodology shall specify the deadlines applicable to generation units and loads for providing the information referred to in paragraph 3.





Network Code on System Operation, Articles 64 - 71


Article 64
General provisions regarding individual and common grid models

1.   To perform operational security analysis pursuant to Title 2 of this Part, each TSO shall prepare individual grid models in accordance with the methodologies established in application of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 and Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 for each of the following time-frames, applying the data format established pursuant to Article 114(2):
(a) year-ahead, in accordance with Articles 66, 67 and 68;
(b) where applicable, week-ahead, in accordance with Article 69;
(c) day-ahead, in accordance with Article 70; and
(d) intraday, in accordance with Article 70.

2.   The individual grid models shall include the structural information and data set out in Article 41.

3.   Each TSO shall build the individual grid models and each regional security coordinator shall contribute to building the common grid models applying the data format established pursuant to Article 114(2).

Article 65
Year-ahead scenarios

1.   All TSOs shall jointly develop a common list of year-ahead scenarios against which they assess the operation of the interconnected transmission system for the following year. Those scenarios shall allow the identification and the assessment of the influence of the interconnected transmission system on operational security. The scenarios shall include the following variables:
(a) electricity demand;
(b) the conditions related to the contribution of renewable energy sources;
(c) determined import/export positions, including agreed reference values allowing the merging task;
(d) the generation pattern, with a fully available production park;
(e) the year-ahead grid development.

2.   When developing the common list of scenarios, TSOs shall take into account the following elements:
(a) the typical cross-border exchange patterns for different levels of consumption and of renewable energy sources and conventional generation;
(b) the probability of occurrence of the scenarios;
(c) the potential deviations from operational security limits for each scenario;
(d) the amount of power generated and consumed by the power generating facilities and demand facilities connected to distribution systems.

3.   Where TSOs do not succeed in establishing the common list of scenarios referred to in paragraph 1, they shall use the following default scenarios:
(a) Winter Peak, 3rd Wednesday of January current year, 10:30 CET;
(b) Winter Valley, 2nd Sunday of January current year, 03:30 CET;
(c) Spring Peak, 3rd Wednesday of April current year, 10:30 CET;
(d) Spring Valley, 2nd Sunday of April current year, 03:30 CET;
(e) Summer Peak, 3rd Wednesday of July previous year, 10:30 CET;
(f) Summer Valley, 2nd Sunday of July previous year, 03:30 CET;
(g) Autumn Peak, 3rd Wednesday of October previous year, 10:30 CET;
(h) Autumn Valley, 2nd Sunday of October previous year, 03:30 CET.

4.   ENTSO for Electricity shall publish every year, by 15 July, the common list of scenarios established for the following year, including the description of those scenarios and the period during which these scenarios are to be used.

Article 66
Year-ahead individual grid models

1.   Each TSO shall determine a year-ahead individual grid model for each of the scenarios developed pursuant to Article 65, using its best estimates of the variables defined in Article 65(1). Each TSO shall publish its year-ahead individual grid models on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment in accordance with Article 114(1).

2.   When defining its year-ahead individual grid model, each TSO shall:
(a) agree with the neighbouring TSOs upon the estimated power flow on HVDC systems linking their control areas;
(b) balance for each scenario the sum of:
(i) net exchanges on AC lines;
(ii) estimated power flows on HVDC systems;
(iii) load, including an estimation of losses; and
(iv) generation.

3.   Each TSO shall include in its year-ahead individual grid models the aggregated power outputs for power generating facilities connected to distribution systems. Those aggregated power outputs shall:
(a) be consistent with the structural data provided in accordance with the requirements of Articles 41, 43, 45 and 48;
(b) be consistent with the scenarios developed in accordance with Article 65; and
(c) distinguish the type of primary energy source.

Article 67
Year-ahead common grid models

1.   By 6 months after entry into force of this Regulation, all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for the methodology for building the year-ahead common grid models from the individual grid models established in accordance with Article 66(1) and for saving them. The methodology shall take into account, and complement where necessary, the operational conditions of the common grid model methodology developed in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 and Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1719, as regards the following elements:
(a) deadlines for gathering the year-ahead individual grid models, for merging them into a common grid model and for saving the individual and common grid models;
(b) quality control of the individual and common grid models to be implemented in order to ensure their completeness and consistency; and
(c) correction and improvement of individual and common grid models, implementing at least the quality controls referred to in point (b).

2.   Each TSO shall have the right to request from another TSO any information on modifications to the network topology or on operational arrangements, such as protection setpoints or system protection schemes, single line diagrams and configuration of substations or additional grid models relevant for the provision of an accurate representation of the transmission system to undertake operational security analysis.

Article 68
Updates of year-ahead individual and common grid models

1.   When a TSO modifies or notices a modification of its best estimates for the variables used for determining its year-ahead individual grid model established in accordance with Article 66(1), which is significant for operational security, it shall update its year-ahead individual grid model and publish it on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment.

2.   Whenever an individual grid model is updated, the year-ahead common grid model shall be updated accordingly applying the methodology determined in accordance with Article 67(1).

Article 69
Week-ahead individual and common grid models

1.   Where two or more TSOs consider it necessary, they shall determine the most representative scenarios for coordinating the operational security analysis of their transmission system for the week-ahead time-frame and shall develop a methodology for merging the individual grid models analogous to the methodology for building the year-ahead common grid model from year-ahead individual grid models in accordance with Article 67(1).

2.   Each TSO referred to in paragraph 1 shall establish or update its week-ahead individual grid models pursuant to the scenarios determined in accordance with paragraph 1.

3.   The TSOs referred to in paragraph 1 or the third parties to which the task referred to in paragraph 1 has been delegated, shall build the week-ahead common grid models following the methodology developed in accordance with paragraph 1 and using the individual grid models established in accordance with paragraph 2.

Article 70
Methodology for building day-ahead and intraday common grid models

1.   By 6 months after entry into force of this Regulation, all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for the methodology for building the day-ahead and intraday common grid models from the individual grid models and for saving them. That methodology shall take into account, and complement where necessary, the operational conditions of the common grid model methodology developed in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222, as regards the following elements:
(a) definition of timestamps;
(b) deadlines for gathering the individual grid models, for merging them into a common grid model and for saving individual and common grid models. The deadlines shall be compatible with the regional processes established for preparing and activating remedial actions;
(c) quality control of individual grid models and the common grid model to be implemented to ensure their completeness and consistency;
(d) correction and improvement of individual and common grid models, implementing at least the quality controls referred to in point (c); and
(e) handling additional information related to operational arrangements, such as protection setpoints or system protection schemes, single line diagrams and configuration of substations in order to manage operational security.

2.   Each TSO shall create day-ahead and intraday individual grid models in accordance with paragraph 1 and publish them on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment.

3.   When creating the day-ahead or intraday individual grid models referred to in paragraph 2, each TSO shall include:
(a) up-to-date load and generation forecasts;
(b) the available results of the day-ahead and intraday market processes;
(c) the available results of the scheduling tasks described in Title 6 of Part III;
(d) for power generating facilities connected to distribution systems, aggregated active power output differentiated on the basis of the type of primary energy source, in line with data provided in accordance with Articles 40, 43, 44, 48, 49 and 50;
(e) up-to-date topology of the transmission system.

4.   All remedial actions already decided shall be included in the day-ahead and intraday individual grid models and shall be clearly distinguishable from the injections and withdrawals established in accordance with Article 40(4) and the network topology without remedial actions applied.

5.   Each TSO shall assess the accuracy of the variables in paragraph 3 by comparing the variables with their actual values, taking into account the principles determined pursuant to Article 75(1)(c).

6.   If, following the assessment referred to in paragraph 5, a TSO considers that the accuracy of the variables is insufficient to evaluate operational security, it shall determine the causes of the inaccuracy. If the causes depend on the TSO's processes for establishing the individual grid models, that TSO shall review those processes to obtain more accurate results. If the causes depend on variables provided by other parties, that TSO together with those other parties shall endeavour to ensure that the variables concerned are accurate.

Article 71
Quality control for grid models

When defining the quality controls in accordance with Articles 67(1)(b) and 70(1)(c), all TSOs shall jointly determine controls aimed at least to check:
(a) the coherence of the connection status of interconnectors;
(b) that voltage values are within the usual operational values for those transmission system elements having influence on other control areas;
(c) the coherence of transitory admissible overloads of interconnectors; and
(d) that active power and reactive power injections or withdrawals are compatible with usual operational values.





Network Code on System Operation


Article 115
Individual grid models, common grid models and operational security analysis

1.   The ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment shall store all individual grid models and related relevant information for all the relevant time-frames set out in this Regulation, in Article 14(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 and in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1719.

2.   The information on individual grid models contained on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment shall allow for their merging into common grid models.

3.   The common grid model established for each of the time-frames shall be made available on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment.

4.   For the year-ahead time-frame, the following information shall be available on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment:

(a) year-ahead individual grid model per TSO and per scenario determined in accordance with Article 66; and

(b) year-ahead common grid model per scenario defined in accordance with Article 67.

5.   For the day-ahead and intraday time-frames, the following information shall be available on the ENTSO for Electricity operational planning data environment:

(a) day-ahead and intraday individual grid models per TSO and according to the time resolution defined pursuant to Article 70(1);

(b) scheduled exchanges at the relevant time instances per scheduling area or per scheduling area border, whichever is deemed relevant by the TSOs, and per HVDC system linking scheduling areas;

(c) day-ahead and intraday common grid models according to the time resolution defined pursuant to Article 70(1); and

(d) a list of prepared and agreed remedial actions identified to cope with constraints having cross-border relevance.






 chronicle   Regulatory chronicle





29 June 2018


CGMM-v2-plus and CGMM-v3 approved, methodological framework for Common Grid Model process complete, ENTSO-E







IMG 0744







Regulation establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management - CACM (Regulation on market coupling)Article 2(2)


Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA Regulation), Articles 17 - 20


Network Code on System Operation (System Operation Guidelines - SOGL), Articles 64 - 71, Article 115


CGMM-v2-plus and CGMM-v3 approved, methodological framework for Common Grid Model process complete, ENTSO-E, 29 June 2018


All TSOs' proposal for a common grid model methodology in accordance with Article 17 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management as well as Article 18 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation (annotated version for public consultation)


All TSOs' proposal for a generation and load data provision methodology in accordance with Article 16 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management as well as Article 17 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 of 26 September 2016 establishing a guideline on forward capacity allocation (annotated version for public consultation)


ENTSO-E draft Work Programme 2015 through December 2016














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