‘Scheduling unit’ in the European Union Internal Electricity Balancing Market is a unit representing a power generation module, a demand facility or a group of power generating modules or demand facilities for which a position, an imbalance adjustment, an allocated volume, an imbalance and an imbalance settlement based on imbalance price formulation are determined in a central dispatching model (Article 2(2)(b) of The All TSOs’ proposal od 16 July 2018 to further specify and harmonise imbalance settlement in accordance with Article 52(2) of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing, Draft version for public consultation).


The definition of ‘scheduling unit’ applies to central-dispatching model only.


The functioning of the scheduling units is based on Articles 49(2) and 54(3)(c) of the EBGL, which state the following:


- Article 49(2): “for imbalance areas where several final positions for a single balance responsible party are calculated pursuant to Article 54(3), an imbalance adjustment may be calculated for each position”,


-Article 54(3)(c): “in a central dispatching model, a balance responsible party can have several final positions per imbalance area equal to generation schedules of power generating facilities or consumption schedules of demand facilities”.


Beyond the above definition there is no relevant description in EU directives or regulations.


The said ENTSO-E document of 16 July 2018 further explains that the scheduling unit is a way to represent physical resources for the needs of the following processes in the central dispatching model: system planning, real-time system operation and settlements.


Scheduling unit may consist of set of one or more resources.


The configuration of the scheduling units is determined by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) in consultation with the balance responsible parties (BRPs) of this unit and with the relevant Distribution System Operators (DSOs) - if the physical resources of the scheduling unit are located in the distribution network.


In some central-dispatching models, cross-border import and export points are treated as respectively generating facilities and demand facilities.


As part of the processes implemented on the balancing market, the following values are determined for each scheduling unit for each imbalance settlement period (ISP):


a) position – as the declared by BRP energy volume of a scheduling unit used for the calculation of its imbalance;

b) imbalance adjustment – as all volumes activated by connecting TSO for at least the following purposes: balancing, congestion management, required reserve level re-building, system defence plan instructions and TSO-TSO remedial actions;

c) allocated volume – as all injections and withdrawals of a set of resources attributed to that scheduling unit;

d) imbalance – as the difference between the allocated volume attributed to that scheduling unit and the final position of that scheduling unit, including any imbalance adjustment applied to that scheduling unit;

e) imbalance settlement - as the product of the imbalance and imbalance price.













IMG 0744








Electricity Balancing Network Code (Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing, NC EB or EBGL), Article 49(2), 54(3)(c)























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